Friday, August 12, 2016

I'M Back!!!!

Hey guys, I am back and going to start blogging about the Disney College Program again! The reason for not blogging was I got tied up from getting ready for the program and just got really busy during the program. But let me tell you I had a blast and it was a great experience.

After I got back from the program I went back to school . I have been wanting to go back and plan to next year in the Fall. However, I got to thinking that doesn't stop me from blogging again and helping out the newcomers that are just starting to apply for the Spring 2017 program.

Next year, I am going to be trying to get into the Disneyland Program. So when I do blog then it will be about that experience, so for the new recruitment season I am going to be blogging about the Walt Disney World program.

Topic I will cover
  1. Application Process/Auditions
  2. Roommates
  3. Housing
  4. Check in
  5. Life on the Disney College Program
  6. Packing
  7. Budgeting while on the program
  8. and much more

 I have already done some things on the list back in 2013, but I will be simple in some of the stuff. However, like Packing I will go into more details and explain what my thoughts are about it and what you really need.

This is going to be a fun adventure, so join me in for a magical time while I tell you about the greatest program  ever.

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